
New Collection

Pictures of a Budapest citizen

The author of the nearly a thousand photos shown here is Dezső Bor, a Budapest city official and founding conductor of the Municipal Symphony Orchestra. As an amateur photographer, the author followed with his camera the classic life situations and locations of the urban middle class. His photographs show typical moments of everyday life in the 1920s and 1930s: big snowfalls, social sports, the demolition of the Taban quarter, the pavilions of the International Fair, boy scouts at the Gödöllő jamboree, rowing races on the Danube, woodcutters and stonecutters, street painters and fairground vendors. His well-composed photographs reveal a skilled author, with an eye trained by the photographic magazines of the period. Dezső Bor's photographs, taken on trips to the Upper Hungary (now Slovakia) and Austria, on excursions in Hungary and walks in Budapest, or in the family circle, are harmonious, humane and vivid impressions of the bourgeois world and the world view between the two wars.

Fortepan is a copyright-free and community-based photo archive with over 100,000 photographs available for anyone to browse and download in high-resolution, free of charge.

„And pure existence dictates that there is nothing—no love, no bloodshed, no party loyalty, no sexual attraction, no cascade of lava, no volunteer blood donor, no sunset, nothing in which there is life beating, or nothing that is at the brink of being devoured by non-existence but holds on to life tightly still—that you could picture easily without the color red.” The Color of All Colors: Writer Attila Bartis on Photos from the Fortepan Archive appeared first on Weekly Fortepan.

Weekly Fortepan blog

In this blog, updated weekly in Hungarian and fortnightly in English, we explore the background stories of the Fortepan photos and donors in richly illustrated articles. All our posts can be republished under a CC licence.

Previous uploads

Every month or two, we update our site with around 2-3000 images, often mixing family photos of many donors, but sometimes a photo documentation of an author or a company is added to the archive.



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